Automatic Fish Feeding


Fishery in Egypt is one of the most important sources of national income and is one of major sources of protein, accounting for 25.3% of the average protein consumption in the household. Fish consumption is 23.5 kg per person every year.

The fisheries in Egypt occupy large areas of more than 13 million feddans, equivalent to about 150% of their agricultural land. These sources can vary between salt waters which include the sea, such as the Red and Mediterranean Red Sea, including the lakes and the lakes of Manzala, Al-Borlos, Bardawil, Edco, Qaroun, Mariout and Lake El-Marsa, and Port Fouad Port, and fresh water sources, such as the Nile River with branches, canals and banks. In addition to these natural sources, man has developed other artificial ones such as Nasser and Lake Al Rayan, as well as fish farms located in different parts of Egypt.

The Solution

The winning design works with specified quantities on certain times and can be modified as needed. Other features include:

  • The capacity is 200 kg

  • The quantity and timing of feed distribution can be adjusted as needed

  • Possibility to modify the distribution diameter

  • It distributes the feed in equal quantities automatically as needed.

  • It is easy to move from one farm to another

  • Economical in energy and is not loud

This solution is currently being registered and implemented with the reward provided by the USAID's SEED Project, in collaboration with Ministry of Trade and Industry with Ahmed Nassar Fish Farms

The Challenge

The aim of the “Fish Feed Auto-distribution“ challenge was to come up with a system that distribute the feed automatically and include a mechanism to adjust feeding timing according to the environmental conditions that affect the fish need for nutrition at a cost less than 5000 Egyptian pounds.

The Team

Innovation team, consisting of:

  • Abdullah Assem Faeq Ahmed, graduated from the Department of Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems, 2018, Specialized in Renewable Energy and Irrigation Systems, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University
  • Mohamed Abdel Razek,third year student in the department of marine mechanics, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University


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Courte Description

An automatic device for fish feed automation for fish farms with the ability to modify quantities and times as needed

Solution pour:

Fish Feed Auto-distribution

par Ahmed Nassar

cairo Égypte


25000 EGP


abdallah assem






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