Smart Water Use

par The SwitchMed Initiative - The Switchers Eco-Innovation program

   Tunisia, Tunisie

Projet par

The SwitchMed Iniative


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How can we educate farmers and landowners about the benefits of smart irrigation systems?

Would you like to cultivate the awareness of local farmers about smart irrigation benefits in Tunisia? In collaboration with the SwitchMed Initiative and The Switchers Eco-Innovation Program, we are looking for awareness specialists to help us raise Tunisian farmers’ awareness about smart irrigation systems and how they could improve their lands.

Submit your innovative idea of awarness strategy for a chance to win 1,250 Euros, 3,750 euros in agile support services, and a chance to win a voucher for 10,000 Euros in services for the best idea provided by the SwitchMed Initiative and If you’d like to partner with us, please read on for more details! 


The SwitchMed initiative aims to achieve a circular economy in the southern Mediterranean by changing how goods and services are produced and consumed. Accordingly, the program provides tools and services directly to the private sector, supports an enabling policy environment, and facilitates the exchange of information among partners and key stakeholders.

Lately, Tunisia has recorded four years of severe droughts, Reservoirs across the country are said to be about 30% short of capacity. The country takes severe measures for containment; it banned the use of water for irrigation, watering green spaces and other public areas, and washing cars.   

In 2020, the agricultural sector accounted for nearly 12 percent of the country’s GDP. According to reports, 62.4% of Tunisia's land was utilized for agriculture in 2021, and more than 75% of the country's freshwater supply is used for irrigation. Due to a lack of awareness and false information, landowners continue to use conventional irrigation methods despite technical advancements Which leads to the intensification of the crisis and the exacerbation of the gap between the available and required supplies.

The Challenge

To design and create an efficient strategy to raise the community of farmers and landowners' awareness of the advances of modern irrigation systems for IrWise by using different approaches and techniques

The proposed solution should demonstrate the following methodology:

  • Describe Your Idea and State Your Approach: Begin by providing a detailed description of your approach. In our case, we prefer to employ gamification, but other effective methods such as social media, IoT, advertisements, and more can be considered.

  • Applicability Across Different Outreach Channels: Ensure that your strategy is adaptable and can be effectively implemented across various outreach channels to reach a broader audience.

  • Clear Budget and Implementation Timeline: Present a well-defined budget and implementation timeline that outline the resources required for the project. This information will be crucial if you are selected for a future contract.

  • Define Success Metrics and Rationale: Clearly define the key success metrics that will measure the effectiveness of your awareness-raising strategy. Additionally, explain why you chose your preferred approach and how it aligns with the desired outcomes.

  • Low-Cost and Maintenance-Oriented Approach: Emphasize a strategy that not only minimizes costs but is also designed to be easy to maintain over time.

  • Ease of Implementation: Ensure that your strategy is straightforward and simple to apply, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

How to participate?

  1. Submit a complete application form before the deadline of 9/11/2023 11:59 (GMT+2). This idea should include an uploaded, detailed proposal demonstrating how the outlined criteria will be met.

  2. The shortlisted candidates will be chosen based on the innovativeness of their solutions and will be invited to present their ideas in an online pitch competition. 

  3. The best winning idea will be chosen by the SwitchMed representative. 

Reward and Conditions

The shortlisted candidates will have the opportunity to present their ideas in an online pitch competition attended by  SwitchMed representatives and’s team.

A total reward of 1,250 EUR 3,750 EUR agile support service and a chance to win a voucher for 10,000 Euros in services for services provided by the SwitchMed Initiative - The Switchers Eco-Innovation Program, and to the best winning solution.

As per’s  Terms and Conditions and in case the intellectual property rights are not registered, the innovator should not disclose any sensitive unprotected information. Meanwhile, they should include all technical details required to judge the technical validity and feasibility of the solution. 

You can submit a solution at any time. Before doing so, we strongly recommend you read the rules and FAQs.

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Projet par

The SwitchMed Iniative


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