
Website: http://v-worx.org/

Main Activity: community development, entrepreneurs, leadership, professional trainers and consultants

Start Year: 1970

V-Worx is a center of excellence for volunteerism and social entrepreneurism in Egypt and across the Middle East. V-Worx aims to enable innovative, scalable, and profitable social enterprises to build communities’ prosperity as well as enabling young people, start-ups, entrepreneurs, NGOs, institutions, and nations to articulate, implement and disseminate solutions to their social and economic challenges.


في- وركس هو مركز للتميز في العمل التطوعي و ريادة الأعمال الإجتماعية في مصر و الشرق الأوسط. يتطلع في- وركس إلى تمكين الشباب, الجمعيات الأهلية والجمعيات غير الحكومية والمؤسسات الاكاديمية و إدارة الأعمال, بمنحهم المهارات والكيفية والمؤهلات نعمل على تصميم برامج لبناء القدرات و المصممة خصيصا لمجال التنمية بتوفير خدمات عالية الجودة و منخفضة التكاليف. نحن نسعى لتعزيز التطوع و مسئولية المشاركة الإجتماعية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وعالميا بالتطلع إلى ثقافة تعترف بالمتطوعين والمجتمعات الصديقة لهم, و ذلك من خلال تفعيل دورهم ببناء قدارتهم, والسماح لمواهبهم في الازدهار والنمو و تشجيعهم على المشاركة الفعالة في تطوير مجتمعاتهم.

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Innovators? Entrepreneurs? Product Designers?

Yomken works with people who have brilliant ideas for innovative products and who are looking for financial, collaboration or marketing support to complete these ideas. Our platform helps you to get the needed PR and marketing for free! You may also get inspired by the challenges posted by others to solve them and get awarded in return!

NGO, Company or Governmental Agency?

Yomken enables you to find for innovative solutions outside the boundaries of your organization. Open-innovation enables you to use the power of social networking and the wisdom of the crowd. If you are a CSR department or a donor agency, you may also sponsor the solution of social challenges!

Looking for innovative ideas?

Yomken provides you a range of innovative products and ideas by some of the most innovative entrepreneurs in the world. You can support your favorite entrepreneurs by sharing or possibly collaborating with them to improve or complete their products!

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