
Main Activity: خياطة وتصميم

Start Year: 2018

وضة والملابس اهوى عالم الخياطة والتصميم --------------------------------الفكرة ----------------------------------- لاحظت أن معضم الألبسة التي نقتنيها من منشأها من دول غربية وذات أسعار باهضة إذا كانت أصلية أما ذات الاسعار المنخفضة فهي ردئية جدا وغالبا ما تكون مضرة بالصحة فقلت لماذا لا تكون لنا امكانيه اقتناء ملابس. ذات جوده واسعار تناسبنا وتتماشى مع ثقافتنا ومبادئنا ومن هنا تولد لدي طموح انشاء مؤسسة لهذا الغرض -----------------------------مشكلتي ----------------------------------- فكرة المؤسسة محفزة الانه وبعد دراسة جدوى المشروع وجدت عائق وهو رأس مال ← See other Yomken Partners

Innovators? Entrepreneurs? Product Designers?

Yomken works with people who have brilliant ideas for innovative products and who are looking for financial, collaboration or marketing support to complete these ideas. Our platform helps you to get the needed PR and marketing for free! You may also get inspired by the challenges posted by others to solve them and get awarded in return!

NGO, Company or Governmental Agency?

Yomken enables you to find for innovative solutions outside the boundaries of your organization. Open-innovation enables you to use the power of social networking and the wisdom of the crowd. If you are a CSR department or a donor agency, you may also sponsor the solution of social challenges!

Looking for innovative ideas?

Yomken provides you a range of innovative products and ideas by some of the most innovative entrepreneurs in the world. You can support your favorite entrepreneurs by sharing or possibly collaborating with them to improve or complete their products!

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