    [0] => Array
            [Ngo] => Array
                    [id] => 2
                    [organisation_name] => Istebdaa'
                    [description] => 

Istebdaa' tries to bridge the gap between (1) the local needs of innovation in the micro and small firms (i.e. new ideas for products, production process...) with (2) the innovative ideas of young Egyptians (e.g. graduation projects, innovations from engineers, or even any ad-hoc product design!) and (3) finance the resulted-products through "crowdfunding".

[user_id] => 1 [contact_name] => Tamer Taha [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Innovation [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 5 [clients] => 5 [notes] => [image] => Istebdaa_FollowMe_1.jpg [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1 [group_id] => 1 [email] => [first_name] => Admin [last_name] => Yomken [password] => 5ba039665d85db9bbf46c6e858f4c476d75a6907 [mobile] => 01000 [balance] => 50.50 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => 2023-10-04 23:23:42 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [1] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 3 [organisation_name] => اكاديمية البحث العلمى و التكنولوجيا [description] =>

رســالة الأكاديميــة:

- تتمثل رسالة الأكاديمية فى التوظيف الفعال للطاقات العلمية والتكنولوجية وتوجيهها نحو خدمة القضايا التنموية ، وتدعيم الروابط وتقوية التلاحم بين مؤسسات البحث العلمى والتكنولوجى وجهات الإنتاج والخدمات ، والعمل على إشراك القاعدة العلمية والتكنولوجية فى النقل المؤثر للتكنولوجيات المتقدمة ، وتعميق الاتصالات وتنمية التعاون الثنائى والإقليمى والدولى فى مجال البحث العلمى وتنمية التكنولوجيا مع مراكز التميز العلمى والتكنولوجى ، وتنمية الابتكارات الوطنية لدعم الصناعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة فى إطار من حماية حقوق الملكية الفكرية . وتواصل أكاديمية البحث العلمى والتكنولوجيا مسيرتها فى خدمة مجتمع البحث العلمى فى مصر من خلال تشكيلاتها العلمية ، والتى يناهز عددها نحو مائتى وخمسون تشكيلاً علمياً ، تضم أكثر من أربعة آلاف من علماء مصر وخبرائها من الجامعات ومراكز البحوث والوزارات المختلفة . 

[user_id] => 1051 [contact_name] => Amr Farouk Abdelkhalik [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Scientific research and Technology [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1000 [clients] => 250 [notes] => [image] => LOGO_ASRT-0.png [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1051 [group_id] => 3 [email] => asrt2@YOMKEN.COM [first_name] => ASRT [last_name] => Academy of Scientific Research and Tech [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [2] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 6 [organisation_name] => SADKO Group [description] =>


We aim to become one of the leading socially responsible organizations providing high quality, affordable, environmentally friendly products and services in Egypt and the region.


We source and distribute Egyptian and international brand name quality home appliances, with an ever-increasing focus on environmentally friendly products and processes, to better serve and inspire our fellow Egyptians.




نهدف بأن نصبح واحدة من المنظمات الرائدة المسؤؤلة إجتماعياً التى توفر خدمات، ومنتجات صديقة للبيئة بجودة عالية، وبأسعار مناسبة فى مصر، والمنطقة.


نقوم بانتقاء وتوزيع الأجهزة المنزلية ذات الأسماء التجارية المحلية والعالمية عالية الجودة، يصحب ذلك إهتمام متزايد بالمنتجات والأعمال التى تعد صديقة للبيئة؛ لمنح المصريين خدمة أفضل، ونكون مصدر إلهام لهم.

[user_id] => 1053 [contact_name] => SadkoGroup [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Home appliance [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => logo_sadko.png [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1053 [group_id] => 1 [email] => [first_name] => SADKO [last_name] => Group [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [3] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 17 [organisation_name] => elmashrou3 tv show [description] =>

“المشروع” هو أول برنامج تلفزيون واقع في مصر عن رواد الأعمال. هيتذاع على قناة النهار في ديسمبر 2013. بعد مرحلة طويلة من اختيار المتسابقين من كل حتة في مصر، اخترنا 14 رائد أعمال مصري شاب هيتم اختيار قدراتهم ومهاراتهم وخبراتهم كرواد أعمال، كل واحد فيهم هيكون قدامه الفرصة إنه يفوز بعدد كبير من الجوايز، من ضمنها دعم حقيقي لمشروعه وجايزة مالية كبيرة للفائز في كل موسم.

[user_id] => 1065 [contact_name] => Dalia Saied [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Entrepreneurship. entertainment [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => elmashrou3_logo.png [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1065 [group_id] => 3 [email] => [first_name] => elmashro3 [last_name] => TV Show [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [4] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 18 [organisation_name] => معهد بحوث القطن التابع لمركز البحوث الزراعية [description] =>

يعتبر معهد بحوث القطن من أقدم المؤسسات البحثية المشتغلة بالقطن فى مصر والعالم, إذ ترجع بدايته إلى العقد الأول من القرن العشرين فى أطار محطة صغيرة للبحوث الزراعية فى الجيزة (قسم تربية النباتات) ، قبيل إنشاء وزارة الزراعة فى عام 1913، وفى سنة 1919 شكلت الحكومة هيئة فنية من الخبراء أطلق عليها "مجلس مباحث القطن" لدراسة مشكلات القطن المصرى وتحسين محصوله ومقاومة أمراضه وآفاته ، بجانب بحوث التربة الزراعية ، والتسميد ، وتغذية النيات. وفى عام 1935 أنشئ مصنع الغزل التجريبى ليكون مكملاً لعمل الأقسام الفنية المختصة ، وفى عام 1971 تم إنشاء مركز البحوث الزراعية بمعاهده البحثية المختلفة والتى تضم معهد بحوث القطن ، ومن ثم أخذ النشاط البحثى صورة متكاملة شملت تربية وإنتاج الأصناف الجديدة والمحافظة على نقاوتها الوراثية من التدهور ، وبحوث المعاملات الزراعية وأعداد التوصيات الفنية والتى يتم توصيلها إلى منتجى القطن لزيادة المحصول وتحسين جودته وخفض تكاليف الإنتاج. أعتمدت الجهود البحثية فى البداية فى تربية أصناف محسنة عالية المحصول ، مرغوبة الجودة على أساس علمى يكفل التثبت من نقاوتها ، على إنتخاب الشوارد سواء كانت طفرات مرغوبة ، أو إنعزالات وراثية من تهجينات طبيعية سابقة. وابتداً من 1921 ومع بداية نشاط "مجلس مباحث القطن" ، أعتمدت طريقة التهجين الصناعى لاستنباط أصناف جديدة من القطن ، وكان الهدف هو جمع الصفات المرغوبة فى سلالاتين أو أكثر فى سلالة واحدة جديدة. ثم توالت خبرات التهجين الصناعى وأصبحت لهذه الطريقة أهميتها الرئيسية بالنسبة لطرق استنباط أصناف جديدة .


C.R.I. is one of the oldest cotton research institutions in Egypt and worldwide. Its inception dates back to the first decade of the 20th century when it was established as a unit within a small research station at Giza little before the Ministry of Agriculture was created in 1913 . In 1919 ,GOE established the “ Cotton Research Council” to investigate ways and means of improving yield, enhance resistance to pests and diseases, design and implement soil research and plant physiology ( fertilization and nutrition ) .
In 1935, the Experimental Spinning mill was established to compliment the other technical departments .In 1971 ,the Agricultural Research Center was established to mark a new era of integrated research, including breeding , Agronomy , quality and extension .
At the initial stage , research focused on breeding improved , high yielding varieties, based on selection of diserable mutations or genetic segregation of earlier natural hybridization . As of 1921, the Cotton Research Council approved the utilization of artificial hybridization to develop new cotton varieties . The aim was to incorporate into a new strain such diserable traits from parent plants . The technique was further developed to become the major approach for developing new varieties . 
Cotton technology research was also developed to complement agronomy research The Experimental Spinning mill is now the second wing of C.R.I. A multi-disciplinary approach within C.R.I. enhances collaboration among cotton breeders , agronomists and technologists in the process of developing new varieties that fulfil needs of the domestic and international Spinners . With this in mind , the National Program for Cotton Improvement functions on two levels : 
1-Breeding new varieties exceeding the existing ones in yield , quality or both, together with preserving , renovating and multiplying the grown varieties to produce foundation seeds and specify the most suitable agro . climatic zones for higher yield and better spin ability . 
2-Continually developing agronomic practices to increase yield and reduce cost . 


[user_id] => 1066 [contact_name] => دكتور أحمد درويش [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Research [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] =>

Year 1971

[image] => ARC_logo.png [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1066 [group_id] => 3 [email] => [first_name] => Cotton Research Institute [last_name] => CRI [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [5] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 32 [organisation_name] => Anonymous Company [description] =>

This company has prefered to keep its identity confidential and only to be disclosed to the solvers until the campaign has reached its deadline.

[user_id] => 1440 [contact_name] => Confidential [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => N/A [main_activity] => FMCG [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 0 [employees] => 100 [clients] => 0 [notes] => [image] => icon_industry_fmcg_orange_1.png [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1440 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Anonymous [last_name] => FMCG [password] => ab16864ed31009650055884df8d30c8c2228961e [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [6] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 36 [organisation_name] => Schaduf [description] =>

Schaduf was established in 2011 to empower and sustain Cairo’s low income communities through rooftop farming. The Arabic word “schaduf” refers to an ancient irrigation tool, which lifts water to irrigation canals. In our case, we lift water, sunshine, and life to barren concrete walls and roofs.

We aim to provide inspired urban green solutions that elevate the quality of life through social and environmental change. We do so by crafting sustainable spaces that adapt to diverse communities’ needs. Our state-of-the-art products include rooftop farms, roof gardens and vertical wall gardens, as well as a multitude of eco products and solutions. As a leader in the industry our trendy solutions combine smart automated control with a knowledgeable and dedicated design, consulting and maintenance team.

We are constantly pushing the boundaries of life sciences, engineering and art to cater to the needs of our customers and their wellbeing.


[user_id] => 1508 [contact_name] => Mohamed [contact_email] => Barakat [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Empower and sustain Cairo’s low income communities through rooftop farming [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 4 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => 8daf8f2693a05f15c70f65e01577d1d8.jpg [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1508 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Tarek [last_name] => Hosny [password] => 24041c27124cf502de7f106c2fd0d8aa7f16829c [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2015-11-13 23:17:14 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [7] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 42 [organisation_name] => Mumm [description] =>

Mumm is an online marketplace for Value Home Cooked Meals. They deliver healthy and tasty meals prepared by moms, house wives and freelance chefs using fresh ingredients to your doorstep.

[user_id] => 1801 [contact_name] => Waleed [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Food Delivery [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => 1e5bb192423aaa107a19ae39d5d7959f.jpg [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1801 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Mumm [last_name] => Organization [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => 0.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-07-23 20:52:12 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [8] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 45 [organisation_name] => Pédalo [description] =>

PEDALO est une entreprise sociale qui assure une haute qualité de service pour ces clients en respectant l’environnement.  Elle offre le premier service de livraison écologique en Tunisie et au Maghreb!


Notre Mission

Fournissant un service de livraison fiable, efficace, plus rapide et plus propre que les autres modes de livraison, PEDALO est au service de tout types d’organisations (entreprises, écoles, universités, associations,…).

Pourquoi Le Vélo ?

[user_id] => 1898 [contact_name] => Adnen Ben Haji [contact_email] => [primary_language] => fr [country_id] => TN [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => [notes] => [image] => a5a4333257a0557d6bd1e3b26fd7aade.png [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 1898 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Adnen [last_name] => Ben Haji [password] => 397e1210ef57915c6c20c9ab5e80d317a4cc6b53 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2016-10-03 00:37:24 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => TN [country] => Tunisia [country_ar] => تونس [country_fr] => Tunisie ) ) [9] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 59 [organisation_name] => Leading Patisserie & Bakery Company [description] => [user_id] => 2546 [contact_name] => Leading Patisserie & Bakery Company [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Chocolate Bouquets, Chocolate Baskets, Cakes, Oriental Sweets, Specialty bread, Biscuits, Snacks and Savories [start_year] => 1956 [branches] => 70 [employees] => [clients] => [notes] => [image] => 24450aa5f459859acbd567d4c52bef1d.png [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 2546 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Leading Patisserie [last_name] => & Bakery Company [password] => 7a96d4f83067b7f9f56f21bc10a3305f445e1547 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2017-04-02 21:39:33 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [10] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 67 [organisation_name] => Giza Systems Education Foundation [description] =>

Giza Systems, a leading systems integrator in the MEA region, designs and deploys industry-specific technology solutions for asset-intensive industries such as the Telecoms, Utilities, Oil & Gas, Transportation and other market sectors.

[user_id] => 2745 [contact_name] => Giza Systems [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 0 [employees] => 2 [clients] => 0 [notes] => [image] => 2881c480598b32e681f15f5237cd7051.jpg [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 2745 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Giza [last_name] => Systems [password] => f0536e3cb50780af7e21d86ed6464e913268525e [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2017-06-20 16:23:23 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [11] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 70 [organisation_name] => UNDP, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Telecom Egypt [description] =>

On the ground in about 170 countries and territories, UNDP works to eradicate poverty while protecting the planet. We help countries develop strong policies, skills, partnerships and institutions so they can sustain their progress.

[user_id] => 2908 [contact_name] => United Nations Development Programme [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 170 [employees] => [clients] => [notes] => [image] => 87921b91977477d8c1d812f201a78315.PNG [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 2908 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => UN [last_name] => DP [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2017-08-19 18:49:03 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [12] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 71 [organisation_name] => United Nations Development Programme [description] =>

On the ground in about 170 countries and territories, UNDP works to eradicate poverty while protecting the planet. We help countries develop strong policies, skills, partnerships and institutions so they can sustain their progress.

[user_id] => 2908 [contact_name] => United Nations Development Programme [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 170 [employees] => [clients] => [notes] =>


[image] => ae3c24e61d6b803669a986eaf119959b.PNG [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 2908 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => UN [last_name] => DP [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2017-08-19 18:49:03 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [13] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 72 [organisation_name] => UNDP, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and Telecom Egypt [description] =>

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

On the ground in about 170 countries and territories, UNDP works to eradicate poverty while protecting the planet. We help countries develop strong policies, skills, partnerships and institutions so they can sustain their progress.

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology


Telecom Egypt


[user_id] => 2925 [contact_name] => UNDP, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and Telecom Egypt [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 170 [employees] => [clients] => [notes] =>


[image] => cfe272413e0260c3bea3c76f521b7f4f.PNG [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 2925 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => United Nations [last_name] => Development Program [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2017-08-24 16:03:46 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [14] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 86 [organisation_name] => Tagaddod [description] =>

Tagaddod (Arabic for ‘renewal’) is a pioneering renewable Energy and Waste Management Egyptian company, established in 2013 in Cairo, Egypt. Tagaddod operates anISCC certified production facility, that produces Biodiesel from used cooking oil (UCOME). Biodiesel is a green fuel that is used in conventional diesel engines, which can directly substitute for or extend supplies of traditional petroleum diesel.

[user_id] => 3516 [contact_name] => Tagaddod [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => renewable Energy and Waste Management Egyptian company [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 0 [clients] => 0 [notes] => [image] => dbd1ef07e4b40df43aa91ec4d46a6776.png [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 3516 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Tagaddod [last_name] => . [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2017-12-04 15:08:53 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [15] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 90 [organisation_name] => Conative Labs [description] =>

We are a hardware startup based in Egypt. We are developing a product called Nilebot, it’s a real time system for water quality which is done specially for aquaculture. 
Our vision: 
Becoming the biggest aquaculture platform in the world. 
Our mission: 
• Concentrate on innovative and creative solutions that connect more devices and systems to the internet. 
• Increase the awareness of technology in the community and support young creative engineers.

[user_id] => 3654 [contact_name] => Conavtive Labs [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => [clients] => [notes] =>


[image] => 105a9c047bdd741f18969d773e78ef71.jpg [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 3654 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Conative [last_name] => Labs [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2018-01-16 21:04:32 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [16] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 136 [organisation_name] => The Egyptian Countryside Development Company (ECDC) [description] => [user_id] => 5110 [contact_name] => Dr. Ahmed El Ezzaby [contact_email] => n/a [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => n/a [main_activity] => n/a [start_year] => 2019 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 0 [notes] =>


[image] => [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5110 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => The Egyptian Countryside Development Company [last_name] => (ECDC) [password] => c4afd153e3607507008b5ee2b2bd9bd508681267 [mobile] => [balance] => 1.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2019-01-14 13:43:47 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [17] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 138 [organisation_name] => Region PACA [description] =>

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region

The region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur is a French administrative region from the south-east of the country. It is often referred to by the acronym PACA.

The region is situated next to Italy from which it is separated by the Southern Alps. Up north, there is the Rhônes-Alpes region and, to the west, the Rhône River, which indicates the border with the Languedoc-Roussillon region. The PACA region is bordered down south by the Mediterranean Sea.

The PACA region gathers six departments, formerly from the Ancien Régime provinces of Provence and Dauphiné. A part of the Vaucluse department is constituted by the annexation of the Comtat Venaissin during the revolutionary period, as well as for the Alpes-Maritimes region with the left bank of the Var River, which was the County of Nice annexed to France in 1860 during the Second Empire (the County of Nice was an old part of the duchy of Provence before 1388, when Nice devoted itself to Savoy). The logo of the Regional Council reminds all four regions, resuming their former prestige gathered under the same flag.


[user_id] => 5224 [contact_name] => Challenge PACA Climat [contact_email] => [primary_language] => fr [country_id] => FR [website] => [main_activity] => Government [start_year] => 1919 [branches] => 0 [employees] => 0 [clients] => 0 [notes] => [image] => 00a1ef727d98372541c64e68a8b6cbff.PNG [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5224 [group_id] => 8 [email] => [first_name] => Region [last_name] => PACA [password] => 5791d899a30b998d8e5969d7e8016ae093f2dda9 [mobile] => [balance] => [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => fr [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2019-02-07 19:18:08 [last_login] => 2019-02-22 11:11:31 [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => FR [country] => France [country_ar] => فرنسا [country_fr] => France ) ) [18] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 141 [organisation_name] => GIZ IPSP [description] =>

The Improvement of Public Services Project (IPSP) is one of the GIZ projects implemented in Egypt with the aim to improve the Egyptian government’s efforts towards decentralization and reforming its public administration.
The project approach is designed to improve service delivery at the local level by strengthening subnational administrative structures and launching or redeveloping Citizens’ Service Centers (CSCs). IPSP’s interventions in improving public services encounter several challenges/problems (often of systemic nature) that require innovative out-of-the-box solutions.

[user_id] => 5300 [contact_name] => Ahmed Fahmy [contact_email] => [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => [start_year] => 1970 [branches] => 1 [employees] => 1 [clients] => 1 [notes] => [image] => 656d854e02d86394f100d1785822b2eb.PNG [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 5300 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => GIZ [last_name] => IPSP [password] => c03e367b11196edb01664a26a2bd015c7e92eff1 [mobile] => [balance] => 1.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2019-02-20 16:43:11 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) [19] => Array ( [Ngo] => Array ( [id] => 165 [organisation_name] => Samsung Egypt [description] => [user_id] => 6689 [contact_name] => N/A [contact_email] => N/A [primary_language] => en [country_id] => EG [website] => [main_activity] => Technology [start_year] => 1938 [branches] => 1 [employees] => [clients] => [notes] => [image] => 8cbe2716b4ba558be5948f330515eafc.png [type] => Corporate & Governmental Org. ) [User] => Array ( [id] => 6689 [group_id] => 4 [email] => [first_name] => Samsung [last_name] => Egypt [password] => 3b41771d70685f526021193f02cdf85b3fbfebe1 [mobile] => [balance] => 1.00 [about] => [currency] => EGP [country_id] => EG [random_hash] => [is_admin] => 0 [locale] => en [address_1] => [address_2] => [city] => [zip] => [state] => [old] => 0 [signup_date] => 2019-12-02 04:20:47 [last_login] => [fb_access_token] => ) [Country] => Array ( [code] => EG [country] => Egypt [country_ar] => مصر [country_fr] => Égypte ) ) )



اكاديمية البحث العلمى و التكنولوجيا




elmashrou3 tv show


معهد بحوث القطن التابع لمركز البحوث الزراعية


Anonymous Company








Leading Patisserie & Bakery Company


Giza Systems Education Foundation


UNDP, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Telecom Egypt


United Nations Development Programme


UNDP, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and Telecom Egypt




Conative Labs


The Egyptian Countryside Development Company (ECDC)


Region PACA




Samsung Egypt


Page 1 of 2, showing 20 records out of 23 total

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